First Post: New Beginnings…

By Jason Jovanis | Updates

Jun 27

"Upon reaching the New World, Cortez burned his ships.  As a result, his men were well motivated.”

- Marko Ramius, The Hunt for Red October


I can’t think of a better quote to kick off the very first post for my new endeavor into the world of recruiting.  In some ways, it feels very much that my old ships are currently burning at the shore, while I begin to explore familiar but uncharted territory.

My intent for this blog is to share ideas and thoughts around recruiting & retaining talented individual and tips for candidates around interviewing and profiling of opportunities.  From there I’ll branch out into other passions like leadership development, technology that I’m using to boost efficiency, and more.

As we set sail on this new voyage together, I need to take a moment and thank all of the amazingly talented leaders and sales professionals I’ve had the pleasure of interacting with over the course of my career.  Many of those learnings and stories will be part of what’s discussed in coming posts, and I can’t wait to share them with the world!

Thanks again, and stay tuned for more!



About the Author

Jason is passionate about SaaS and HR Tech in particular. Loves to connect the right people with the right opportunities. Leadership development junkie.