Status Update

By Jason Jovanis | Candidates

Jul 01

Status update

“Where have you been?  Are you OK?”  So grateful to those that checked in on me during my Linkedin break. 

Like everyone else, I had to adjust my life to conform to the reality of the last few months, which mainly meant my amazing wife & I carving up each day to care for our 3 year old son. 

Essentialism saved me again by reminding me to focus on what was most critical, and one of the first things to go was my activity on LinkedIn. 

I’ve missed the feeling of community that comes from posting, and am excited to get back on the horse! 

One more update-- I’m proud to share that to celebrate my 2 year anniversary of being in business (wow that’s crazy), I started a 401(k) for The Jovanis Group! Those of you who know me from my Paychex days get what a 401(k) nerd I am, so you can imagine how big of a deal this was. 

Words cannot express how much I appreciate my clients, both candidates and employers, for continuing to trust me during this crazy time.

Here’s to finishing 2020 strong!


About the Author

Jason is passionate about SaaS and HR Tech in particular. Loves to connect the right people with the right opportunities. Leadership development junkie.